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Sorry, we can only provide quotes for up to 1000 units per item on our quick quote form. For larger quantities, please get in touch for a customised quotation.
We have data sheets available on our website for all the materials we use. If you need any help, please get in touch with us.
Data sheetsWe have a minimum charge of £250 per order. Feel free to add additional items or order multiple copies of your part to avoid this minimum order value top up fee.
Due to the nature of the SLS process, a full layer of powder is deposited in the machine to the height of your part(s). If the part(s) required, do not fill that entire layer in the machine, there will be ‘wasted’ or unused powder.
In order to make this process more cost effective for smaller components, contact us and we can see how many of your parts can fit into that same layer. Often for only a small amount of extra cost, you can have as many parts (same or different designs) as you can fit into one layer.
Standard resolution is built at 0.10mm layers.
High resolution is built at 0.05mm layers.
Standard resolution for PA2200 is built at 0.12mm layers
Standard resolution for PA2210FR and PA3200GF is built at 0.15mm layers
High resolution is built at 0.10mm layers.
SLA printed parts are still the best quality of all the 3D print processes. SLA produces parts that need very little finishing and it is very easy to achieve excellent results. When intricacy and surface finish are imperative, SLA is the right process for your project.
The distinct advantage of SLS is that the part is fully self-supporting. This allows for extremely complex geometry to be achieved, something that could not have been created in any other way.
FDM parts are known for their strong, stable production grade materials. Ogle’s variety of materials each have different characteristics to choose from. Benefits of FDM include:
Vacuum Casting is a tried and tested process for producing multiple high-quality models and prototypes for a full scope of applications; including form, fit and function testing.
The vacuum casting process requires a master model (usually an SLA) from which a silicone mould is created. A polyurethane resin is then mixed and poured under a vacuum into the prepared silicone mould to produce a casting.
For certain applications, where size and material requirements are appropriate, the process can also be used for small batch production runs.
Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machining is a subtractive manufacturing process that produces parts directly from a 3D digital model.
Taking 3D CAD model data, cutter paths are created using the latest CAD/CAM software. The process starts with a block of raw material, which a computer controlled high-speed milling tool, follows the pre-determined cutter path to remove unwanted material to produce the finished part or product.
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